Missile boat star wars
Missile boat star wars

missile boat star wars missile boat star wars

Starting with freighter "Onece 1", target it and fly directly at it until your display shows what it contains. Immediately target the group of freighters marked as "Onece", you have to inspect all of them. =-B A T T L E O N E-= T H E A F T E R M A T H O F H O T H - Battle One: =-=-Mission 1-=-= -: Primary Mission Objectives :- 100% of Freighter group Omega must be inspected 100% of Transport group Dayta must be inspected -: Secondary Mission Objectives :- Freighter Onece 3 must be captured 100% of Corellian Trans group Yander must be inspected 100% of Container Trans group Taloos must be inspected You will begin flying near a large platform, so pull up to avoid a deadly collision. Completing them proves your allegiance to the emperor, and moves you up inside his inner circle of constituents. Instead, they are the personal wishes of the emperor himself.

missile boat star wars

These objectives are not necessary to complete a mission. Secondary objectives will be given to you by a cloaked figure standing to the far right of the officer. On some missions, secondary objectives are available. These objectives MUST be completed in order for the mission to be considered a success. Before you begin a mission, your superior officer will brief you on your primary objectives. Each campaign contains several missions you must complete. In the days ahead, the Emperor will call upon the Imperial Navy to eradicate the last vestiges of rebellion and restore law and order to the galaxy! = |-III.- THE BATTLE WALKTHROUGH -| = To begin, you must first choose a Battle from the Campaign room. The pitiful remnants of the Alliance have now scattered to the Outer Rim. The Death Star! Darth Vader brought swift justice to the rebels by destroying their main base on Hoth. At the battle of Yavin Rebel terrorists aided by spies and traitors within the empire struck a cowardly blow at the new symbol of imperial power. = |-II.- THE STORY SO FAR -| = A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. I don't have a whole lot to say here, so on we go. Only with the destruction of the rebels, may the galaxy finally flourish in peace. You will use your flying skills to protect the empire from the rebel terriorists who choose to threaten Imperial power. In this game, you see the Star Wars universe through the eyes of the empire. I will show the easiest way to achieve each mission objective, including both primary and secondary objectives. = |-I.- INTRODUCTION -| = This document is a complete walkthrough for each and every mission in the game Tie Fighter. IV.In Closing V.Special Thanks VI.FAQ History VII.Copyright Information VIII. A.Battle One.B.Battle Two.C.Battle Three.D.Battle Four.E.Battle Five.F.Battle Six.G.Battle Seven.H.Battle Eight.I.Battle Nine.J.Battle Ten.K.Battle Eleven.L.Battle Twelve.M.Battle Thirteen. YES NO I.Introduction II.The Story So Far III.The Battle Walkthrough.

Missile boat star wars